Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Fast & Furious 7 (REVIEW)
So, Fast & Furious 7, or Furious 7, whatever they're calling it, was ridiculous. But in the best possible way of course. It was action packed and never boring. The acting was pretty standard, nothing ground breaking but just what you would expect. Everyone found it really funny when The Rock called people 'Woman' in a derogatory manner. Everyone was intrigued by action hero Jason Statham playing a baddie. Oh, and Iggy Azalea was amazing. Haters gonna hate...
I'm sure everyone expected that tribute would be paid to the late Paul Walker. Well it was, and it was beautiful. Not a dry eye in the cinema.
I'm hoping that this movie will be an end to a very successful franchise, but who knows. Definitely worth a watch - especially if you like lots of cars and/or guns.
Monday, 6 April 2015
The Boov are a race of scaredy cats who are always running away from their enemy. They run to Earth and relocate the humans so that they can take over the planet and live happily, hidden from the bad guys. Obviously the humans aren't best pleased about this. One of the aliens, called Oh, isn't very clever and makes friends with a human girl who was left behind. Hilarity ensues.
It was made by Dreamworks so of course I was expecting good things. I wasn't disappointed! It was a fun, feel-good, family movie that all can enjoy. It's one of those kids films that adults can appreciate just as much as children.
Aside from the copious amounts of Rihanna, I have no complaints. Jim Parsons was great and the whole thing was super cute. Definitely well worth a watch.